Friday, September 01, 2006

If they wrote a book we wouldn't believe it

1997 heralded a brave new dawn.

18 years of Tory misrule was gone, a bright NEW government was in place. It cared. Education mattered, the environment mattered. We were promised an ethical foreign policy.

9 years later and what do we have?
A Labour Prime Minister in league with a right wing Republican President. A President that has mired us with a war that not only no one wanted, Iraq, but a President who has yet to understand the middle east requires a resolution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. A president who, and this hurts me to say it, was right to go into Afghanistan BUT then blithley ignored it for that war in Iraq.

We have a government that is interested in spin and image.

But what frightens me is I think it genuinely believes it is doing the right thing.

It gets worse. Michael "Something of the Night" Howard was actually critical of a Republican president. The current Conservative Leader "Dave" Cameron has called for emissions law go on in 1997 would you have predicted it?

I can't say The Dave appeals to me to vote for him. But I find it alarming that in a three horse race I find the Conservative horse more appealing than the Labour one.

Things can only get better, hold hands, things can only get better.

Oh I do hope so.


Unknown said...

It really is quite bizarre to think how much the political landscape has changed over the last five or six years. To see the Tory party actually making sense is unreal. The cynic in me says it is all just an attempt to grab votes, but I suppose at least they are trying to do so by reflecting the issues that people care about. Unlike Labour who just tell what we should think and then try to introduce laws to deal with anyone who says they are wrong.

Spadger said...

got even funnier today.

Commentators reckon Blair was playing the long game to ensure a Blarite alternative to Brown. Not sure Cameron was the one they expected though.

I tend to disagree with your last point. Labour introduce laws for to pander to certain sections of the media/public. Hence the Sun is still backing Blair